The Face of Good Health

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Did you know that the face can be the window to your health? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), your face’s appearance can offer valuable information about issues that could be affecting your overall health. The shape of your face, the color of your complexion,…

Going Green on the Inside

Wind generators, solar power, geothermal heat, natural cleaning products, organic clothing.  There are seemingly endless means by which to shrink your carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment. But while our precious planet manages to garner heavy doses of TLC, there continues to exist a large dumping ground for dangerous toxins, chemicals, and…

Tune in to Health

Remember the days of rabbit ear antennas on your television sets? If you were lucky enough to find the exact seating position in your living room to optimize your body’s own magnetic field and the tilt of the earth’s axis, these beauties could tune in your favorite show with the crystal clarity of a thick…

Sleep & The Winter Season

During the winter it is natural to feel a little sleepier, slower and possibly less motivated. It’s the season of stillness and conservation. It’s a period of hibernation and our time to rest, slow down and revitalize our reserves. Winter is a great time of year to reflect on our health, replenish our energy, conserve…

Cure or Prevention?

Billions of dollars are spent every year looking for the cure to disease, whether cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or any of the other devastating afflictions that perpetually plague us. While the noble efforts of these research scientists are certainly appreciated, perhaps our focus has been a bit skewed. It is not suggested that we give…

Acupuncture Thrill Ride

Did you ever notice that the biggest hill of a rollercoaster is always somewhere in the beginning of the ride? This is so that the cars can develop enough momentum from the first hill to propel them through the rest of the course. Getting to the top of that first hill, however, takes some work.…

Be Different. It’s Good For You.

It’s funny how some things come to be accepted as normal just because the larger flock is engaging in them. If you are fortunate enough to have an open mind and think for yourself, all of a sudden you are the one who is considered odd, or alternative, or irresponsible. When did it become normal…

Is It A Miracle?

It is not uncommon to hear patients talk to others about their “acupuncture miracles.” To someone suffering with severe migraines for years on end, and who has tried every drug and medical remedy under the sun, it might seem like a miracle to get relief after just a few simple acupuncture treatments. To the woman…