Dr. Dazey’s Immune-Boosting Stew

Dr. Dazey’s Immune-Boosting Stew Food is powerful. It not only gives us sustenance and energy to go about our days, but it also has healing powers that can help strengthen organs, fortify Qi energy, and even boost our immune system. When we enjoy foods that grow with the season, and eat the foods our bodies…

How Sweet it is…

Sucrose, or sugar as it is commonly known, is currently the most popular sweetener used in the food market today. On a daily basis, the average person obtains almost 20% of their calories from sugar alone. On average, that’s 150 pounds of sugar every year. When ingested, sugar is broken down into compounds that provide…

Devil in Disguise

Painkillers are being abused like never before.  The media likes to sensationalize the use of prescription pain medications being sold in dark alleys by neighborhood thugs and resident riff-raff. But what about the gentleman who just purchased the drugs legally from his local pharmacy, as prescribed by his doctor.  Is he in any less danger…

Protect Your Investment

Buying an automobile is probably one of the biggest financial investments you’ll make.  When you consider all the hard work that went into your purchase I’m sure you would agree that it only makes sense to protect your investment so that you get as much return on it as possible.  You understand that even though…

Cure or Prevention?

Billions of dollars are spent every year looking for the cure to disease, whether cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or any of the other devastating afflictions that perpetually plague us. While the noble efforts of these research scientists are certainly appreciated, perhaps our focus has been a bit skewed. It is not suggested that we give…