Devil in Disguise

Painkillers are being abused like never before.  The media likes to sensationalize the use of prescription pain medications being sold in dark alleys by neighborhood thugs and resident riff-raff. But what about the gentleman who just purchased the drugs legally from his local pharmacy, as prescribed by his doctor.  Is he in any less danger…

A House Divided

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” –Abraham Lincoln Pain killer…Check. Anti-inflammatory…Check. Anti-anxiety…Check. Antidepressant…Check. And that’s just breakfast! For many, starting the day by downing a handful of pills has become the norm, a natural accompaniment to their eggs and toast. You take pills because you are taught to, and that’s what most people are…

Be Different. It’s Good For You.

It’s funny how some things come to be accepted as normal just because the larger flock is engaging in them. If you are fortunate enough to have an open mind and think for yourself, all of a sudden you are the one who is considered odd, or alternative, or irresponsible. When did it become normal…